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  • Kubicz J., Lochyński P., Pawełczyk A., Karczewski M. (2021) Effects of drought on environmental health risk posed by groundwater contamination, Chemosphere (Elsevier) 263 (2021) 128145.; IF = 7.086

  • Božek F., Pawełczyk A., Jesonkova-Pavlica L., Konečný J., Vargová S. (2020) Trihalogenmethanes in Drinking Water and Non-Carcinogenic Health Risks. In: Brauweiler HC., Kurchenkov V., Abilov S., Zirkler B. (eds) Digitalization and Industry 4.0: Economic and Societal Development. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden., pp 397-414

  • Konečný J., Vargová S., Božek F., Pawełczyk A., Macko M. (2020) Quantitative risk assessment of natural catastrophes. In: Crisis Management and Crisis Situations' Solutions, FLKŘ Uherské Hradiště, 9th.-10th.9.2020: proceedings / eds. Jiří Konečný. Zlin: Tomáš Bata University Zlín, ISBN 978-80-7454-957-1, 2020. p. 73.


  • Konečný J., Vargová S., Božek F., Pawełczyk A., Brauweiler Ch., Macko M., Hoza I. (2019) Polymer microparticles in drinking water. In: Crisis Management and Crisis Situations’ Solutions, FLKŘ Uherské Hradiště, 12th.-13th.9.2019 : proceedings / eds. Jiří Konečný. Zlin: Tomáš Bata University Zlín, 2019.

  • Božek F., Konečný J., Vargová S., Pawełczyk A., Macko M. (2019) Endocrine disruptors. Crisis Management and Crisis Situations’ Solutions, FLKŘ Uherské Hradiště, 12th.-13th.9.2019 : proceedings / eds. Jiří Konečný. Zlin: Tomáš Bata University Zlín, 2019.


  • Pawełczyk A., Božek F., Żuber M. (2018) Environmental Risk - Case Studies, ed. Czech-Pol Trade, Prague 2018, ISBN 978-80-907124-0-9

  • Božek F., Pawełczyk A., Naplavova M., Hoza I., Kubečka K. (2017) - Developing trends in individual risk of incidence and mortality of selected types of carcinoma, In: Conf. Proc. Crisis Management and Crisis Situation Solutions, ed. by Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Faculty of Logistics and Crisis Management, 2017, 10 p

  • Żuber M., Pawełczyk A. (2017) - Threats in the borderland zone (Zagrożenia w strefie przygranicznej), Chapter in: Bezpieczeństwo w Obszarach Przygranicznych, vol I, ed. Adam Marszałek, ISBN 978-83-8019-2, Toruń 2017, 141-159




  • Božek F., Hoza I., Pawełczyk A., Pondělíček M., Náplavová M., Zorvanová A. (2016) - Technological risk assessment in region regarding population protection,  The Science for Population Protection, 2016, 1, 1-16




  • Božek F., Jesonkova L., Pawełczyk A., Malek Z, Dvorak J. (2014) - Risk assessment of ground water sources for emergency supply, in: Safety and reliability: methodology and applications: European Safety and Reliability ESREL, Eds. Tomasz Nowakowski. London-New York-Leiden: CRC Press/Balkema, cop. 2015, 1447-1452


  • Grabas K., Pawełczyk A., Ostrowski A., Stręk S., Stręk W., Hreniak D., Mora Cz., Dyonizy A., Nowak P. (2014) -  Recovery of lanthanides from apatite phosphogypsum, in: COM 2014: Conf. Proc. 53rd Annual Conference of Metallurgists, Sept. 28 - Oct. 1, 2014, Vancouver


  • Pawełczyk A., Božek F. - Assessment of health hazard caused by the ferrochromium waste dump, Proc. Int. Conf. Security Management And Society, CATE 2013, May, 2013 - Brno - Czech Rep., ISBN 978-80-7231-928-2


  • Grabas K., Hreniak D., Miller M., Ostrowski A., Pawełczyk A., Stręk W., Zych E. - Hydrometallurgical processing of Mongolian lanthanide ore, Rare Earths 2012, Publ. Canadian Inst. of Mining , Metallurgy & Petroleum, ISBN 9871--926872-14-8, ed. Goode, Moldoveanu, Rayat. Niagara Ont. Canada, 103-110


  • Grabas K., Hreniak D., Miller M., Ostrowski A., Pawełczyk A., Stręk W., Zych E. - Recovery and Characterization of Lanthanides from Electric Waste Recycling, Rare Earths 2012, Publ. Canadian Inst. of Mining , Metallurgy & Petroleum, ISBN 9871--926872-14-8, ed. Goode, Moldoveanu, Rayat. Niagara Ont. Canada, 447-455


  • Pawełczyk A., Kołwzan B., Grabas K., Steininger M. Environmental Hazard at Former Military Areas Contaminated with Aviation Fuel. Remediation Measures, Conf. proc., ed. Univ. of Def. Brno. ISBN 978-80-7231-871-1, 2012, pp. 371-381




  • Pawełczyk A., - Removal of Nitrate Ions from Industrial Waste Waters by the Reduction to free nitrogen, Ochrona Srodowiska (Environment Pollution Control), 2008, vol. 30, No 4, 45-48


  • Pawełczyk A., Trefler B. - Waste-free method of asbestos utilization, Ekotechnika, No 1/44/2008, 44-47

  • Pawełczyk A., Nowosielska-Rękas M. - Monitoring of heavy metals contents in food products. In “Chemicals in Agriculture and Environment”. Ed. by CZECH-POL TRADE, Prague, Bruxelles,  vol. 8. cop. 2007, pp. 178-182

  • Pawełczyk A., – Application of Zeolites in Processes of Pollutants Removal from Liquid Wastes - Polish Journal of Chemical Technology, 2005, vol. 7, no 2, 40-45

  • Pawełczyk A., - EU policy and legislation on recycling of organic wastes to agriculture,  in  “Animals and Environment”, vol. 2, Warsaw 2005, 64-71

  • Trefler B., Pawełczyk A., Nowak M. – The Waste Free Method of Utilizing Asbestos and the Products Containing Asbestos - Polish Journal of Chemical Technology, 2004, vol. 6, no 4, pp. 56-59

  • Pawełczyk A., Dwornicka K. - Influence of Chemical and Natural Antibacterial Substances on the Growth of Bacterial Strains in the Marinated Meat. In "New agrochemicals and their safe use for health and environment”. Ed. by Czech-Pol Trade, Prague, Bruxelles, vol 5. 2004, 321-325

  • Pawełczyk A., – “Asbestos in the Environment - Prospects for Neutralization”, Chemia Przemyslowa, No 5,6/2003, 68

  • Pawełczyk A., – “Asbestos in the Environment -  Rendering Harmless”, Chemia Przemyslowa, No 1/2004, 54

  • Pawelczyk A., Muraviev, D. – "Integrated Technology of the Pig Liquid Waste Treatment”, Przemysł Chemiczny, 2003, t. 82 no 8/9, pp. 861-863; IF= 0.296

  • Pawełczyk A., Czarny A., Trefler B., Zaczyńska E. - Effect of products obtained in the process of neutralization of asbestos wastes on human lung cells. In “Chemicals in sustainable agriculture”. Ed. by CZECH-POL TRADE, Prague, Bruxelles, Stockholm,  vol 4. cop. 2003, pp. 497-502

  • Czarny A., Zaczyńska E., Kołwzan B., Pawełczyk A. - Production of cytokines and nitrate oxide by lung treated with air pollutants. In “Chemicals in sustainable agriculture”. Ed. Czech-Pol-Trade, Prague, Bruxelles, Stockholm, vol 4. 2003, 503-510

  • Pawełczyk A., Claeys B.- Comparison of P2O5 Loss in Industrial Plants Processing Different Phosphate Raw Materials”. In "Chemical products in agriculture and environment". Ed. by CZECH-POL TRADE, Prague, Bruxelles, Stockholm, vol. 3, 2002, pp. 42-48






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